
MGB gets new doors

Sue Hammond brought in her beloved MGBGT for a new set of doors. The old doors had succumbed to rust and have since been repaired a couple of times before. There was little we could do but order a new set of Heritage doors. This will be fitted, gapped and painted to match.

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This week at CCK

A varied range of tasks in the workshop this week. The E-type is coming along beautifully and now has paint underneath, the top will be painted over the course of the week. Dave Griffith’s Vanguard is getting repaired after an off at Mallory Park, but is also getting a new engine, larger and more powerful

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News Services

Jaguar E-type in primer

The Jaguar E-type has received a coat of primer. Painter Ian Goodwright is taking every measure to ensure this paint job is a beautiful as the restoration. The final colour will be a dark metallic blue so the prep work has to be 110%. Still to come are the doors, boot lid and the enormous

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