Brand new MAHA rolling road coming February!

After months of unreliability we’ve made the decision to remove the decades old analogue rolling road and replace it with a brand new machine. MAHA will be delivering the new machine within the next couple of weeks and we hope to be up and running early February. The new system is state of the art with automatic climatic adjustment for temperature and air pressure. It will measure the engines RPM and with our new gas analyzer can plot and record all of your exhaust gases along side the power and torque. It even measures transmission losses as you slow down. It is a single roller system which means less contact with the tyre for less rolling resistance and less tyre heat, and with no wheel spin can support up to 750bhp. The computer will store all data over time allowing us to compare old data with new, and yes, everyone can get a print out. Our aim is to continue offering support to the classic car and historic racing community by specializing in tuning carburetors. With all that the new machine can offer and with our many years of experience tuning carburetors we can re-establish our position as the number 1 tuners for classic road and historic race engines.

Maha MSR500 IMG_8990jaguar e-type lightweight low drag Maha dyno print out

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