New Vapour Blasting Service in Sussex

We are excited to announce the arrival of our new Vapour Blasting Service here at CCK in Sussex. We are ready to clean your engine components with our brand new Aquablast machine from Vixen. This wet blasting process works wonders, especially on aluminium, bringing it back to look like new. It leaves your engine components spotlessly clean with a subtle sheen, ideal for restorations. The process cleans by flow, and not impact, producing a ‘soft’ finish. Additionally, the water acts as a lubricant, avoiding media impregnation. It will clean the surface without removing any material unlike dry media blasting.

The vapour or aqua blasting process is perfect for removing all manor of grease, grime and staining. Cylinder heads, timing covers and cam covers can look like new again. Even heavily stained gearbox and differential casings can look like new again. For vapour blasting in Sussex call us on 01825 733659.

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