HRDC Season kicks off this Saturday at Silverstone

The HRDC circus will arrive at Silverstone this weekend for the first race of the 2013 season. Touring Greats will be joining the Aston Martin Owners Club this weekend at Silverstone. We are busy preparing the Ford Zodiac for James Turner and “Bumble” the MG ZA Magnette for Julius Thurgood and former F1 driver Rupert Keegan. The Zodiac is wearing a new set of tyres and has seen some Winter development in the form of a fresh engine and stiffer front end. See you there.

Bumble MG Magnette Rupert Keegan Julius Thurgood CCKBumble MG Magnette Rupert Keegan Julius ThurgoodTurner Zodiac race prepped 2Turner Zodiac race prepped

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